The martyrdom of St. Sebastian   

Justus Glesker, das Martyrium des Heiligen Sebastian, Kunsthandel Mühlbauer

The martyrdom of St. Sebastian   

The martyrdom of St. Sebastian

Justus Glesker (1610 Hameln – 1678 Frankfurt a. M.) attr.

Rome, ca 1640
Ivory, ebony, mother-of-pearl
 and red-coloured horn.

Height 50.5 cm

The attribution to Justus Glesker, one of the most important German sculptors, who was working in Rome around 1630/40 is based on a comparison with a sculpture from the artist kept in the Museo degli Argenti, Palazzo Pitti Florenz, which match the present ivory statuette in its details of physiognomy and expressive style, inspired by sculptures of Bernini and Algardi in Rome.


Private collection, Germany


Skulptur in Süddeutschland 1400 – 1770, BNM, p. 237 / fig. 19

further illustrations