Turned fruitwood Cup and Cover with inserts

Gedrechselter Pokal mit Einsätzen, Kunsthandel Mühlbauer

Turned fruitwood Cup and Cover with inserts

Turned fruitwood Cup and Cover with inserts

in its original case

South Germany, most probably Berchtesgaden, 2nd half 17th century.

Height 28.5 cm (cup) / 30.5 cm (case)

Near identical examples are in the Dänisches Nationalmuseum in Copenhagen as in the Landesmuseum Kassel mhk (former inventory of the Landgräflich-Hessische Kunstkammer).


Eugen von Philippovich: Kuriositäten und Antiquitäten, Braunschweig 1966, p. 333 / fig. 216.

  • Neumeister Auction, A232, March 12th/ 13th, 1986
  • Private collection, South Germany